Spacecraft Interior
Written for Anna Chen's solo play Taikonaut. Performed at BAC and other locations. The sounds were mainly taken from samples of a cello I recorded while at Lancaster University with some additional synthesised sounds.
Two Families of Objects
Created from cut up vocal and guitar samples using Sound Designer, SampleCell and early version of Cubase. I used stupidly complicated algorithms to work out the patterns, but I think the results are rather fun!
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Golden Bell
Harmonics and timings all based on Phi - the golden section ratio of 1:1.618. It sounded like a bell - so hence the name. All the sounds - harmonics, intervals between pitches and timings - are calculated using this ratio. It was created using a Yamaha SY99 and a Mac in around 1995.
Hyacinthus - Performed by Guy Avern
A big thanks to Guy Avern for the live piano. Performed at West Road Concert Hall - Cambridge sometime in the late 90's. The prerecorded “tape” part (in fact triggered by me from a computer) was created entirely from piano samples the idea being to create a “hyper-piano”. This to allowed both the introduction of microtones (dividing semitone steps - giving 24 and 48 notes to the octave); and the extension of the envelope and timbre of the piano. Broadly the development is from widely spaced pitches from the live piano through simple extensions of the piano sound to to more and more condensed pitch intervals and shorter note durations.
1998 (I think) - an Electroacoustic piece created from a very short recording and manipulated in Cool Edit... The original sample was made using contact mics on the belly while drinking water - the concept underlying the piece is to do with the body as living machine and processes: hopefully after initial embarrassment the sounds move to pure abstraction.
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The Wild Man
Based on music I created for a dance inspired by the legend of The Wild Man of Orford.
I was getting tired of hearing strings all the time (especially on Hip-Hop and Pop tracks) and decided to do this piece without strings. It's unfinished - there were going to be 4 movements. They were sketched ideas and never put together properly.
It was realised on Sibelius and is playable (I ran it past a few people), but I never managed to assemble the forces.